Sugar Sugar: Learn About The Hidden Names for 'Sugar' in Food Nutrition Labels

Are you consuming too much sugar? Here are a few hidden ingredients that really mean “sugar.”

More and more people are recognizing that they are consuming an unnecessary amount of sugar at an alarming rate.

Now, I don’t believe it’s necessary to be excessive, obsessive, or restrictive when it comes to foods, but I do believe there is a line of moderation that should be acknowledged and appreciated.

Most of all, I believe you should know what exactly you are choosing to put in your body and how it is going to affect you. 

Most of all, I believe you should know what exactly you are choosing to put in your body and how it is going to affect you. 

For those of you who are trying to cut back on the amount of sugar you’re consuming, check this out!

As you learn to be more conscientious about reading nutrition labels and searching for sugar content, keep in mind that just because the label or the front of the product says “Sugar Free!” does not mean it truly is free of sugar. 

Always read the ingredients!

Food Marketers love to mislead the consumer so you buy what they want you to consume, not what you intend to consume.

Although the list below might seem daunting, according to Professor and Neuroendocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, a leading public health authority on the impact sugar has on the body, there are more than 300 ways of listing “sugar” without actually using the word “sugar” itself. I know this is a long list and it can seem intimidating, but do not let it overwhelm you.

Simply use it as a reference while you’re at the grocery store. Keep in mind, if you feel bogged-down searching through all of the ingredients to make sure it doesn’t have “sugar” in any form, rethink consuming the product to begin with.

If there is a long laundry-list of ingredients with odd names that you don’t recognize, do you really want to be consuming that product anyway?

If you’re not sure, do not be afraid to ask. You have the right to know what you are consuming. And don’t forget, there are always healthy and delicious alternatives out there, it’s just about finding the right ones!

If you see any of the following in the ingredient list, the product in fact contains sugar:

·     Agave nectar

·     Agave syrup

·     Anhydrous dextrose

·     Cane juice

·     Confectioner’s powder

·     Corn sweetener

·     Corn syrup

·     Corn syrup solids

·     Crystal dextrose

·     Dextrin

·     Dextrose

·     Evaporated corn sweetener

·     Fructose

·     Fruit juice concentrate

·     Fruit nectar

·     Glucose

·     High-fructose corn syrup

·     Honey

·     Lactose

·     Liquid fructose

·     Malt syrup

·     Maltose

·     Maple syrup

·     Molasses

·     Nectar

·     Partially Hydrogenated High-Fructose Syrup

·     Pancake syrup

·     Sucrose

·     Syrup

·     Trehalose

·     Turbinado

Be patient with yourself as this is a learning process for your body and your mind.