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Success Stories

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Chynna O., 27

Oct. 2018 (5 Days Postpartum) - Mar. 2019

”I am a an IPL Bikini Pro, a full time student, and most exciting of all a first time mommy! I first came to Lauren a few months before giving birth to help me set up a plan for when I was cleared to workout again. I came to Lauren because I knew she had knowledge in this area -- she was helping me for my Pro Bikini debut before I found out I was pregnant.

Not only was she EXTREMELY helpful but she's knowledgeable and works with me. Being a full time student AND a new mom has made finding the time to go to the gym extremely hard. But, Lauren has helped me so much and she even came up with some home workouts that I can do with or without my baby girl.

When it came to nutrition, she knew I would not only be busy but also breastfeeding, so to make it easy on me she helped me come up with a plan of what types of foods to incorporate for each meal, and to make sure I had plenty of nutrient dense calories for feeding my daughter without depriving myself.

Lauren checks in with me weekly--if not more often to see how I'm doing! Because of Lauren I've came so far, happier than I have been in a LONG time and I know with her, I'll continue moving forward with my progress and achieve my goals in no time!”

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Chynna and I were working together during her prep for her IPL Pro Bikini Debut, but when we found out she was pregnant we had to switch gears. I then had to think not only of Chynna as my client, but also her baby girl!

This is where I am beyond thankful to have my nursing to help me to the absolute best for both her and baby. We waited until after her OB/GYN cleared her to exercise, and we focused on ensuring enough nutrients for her and baby since she will be breastfeeding.

Chynna is also a full-time student on top of everything, so her time is precious! We worked together to figure out the best type of scheduling possible, while also making sure she was able to indulge and enjoy the holidays with her family and loved ones!

I am so proud of how far she has come, and I’m excited to help her continue to achieve her health goals!



Ben A., 30

Nov. 2018 - Jun. 2019

“Like many, I went to the gym without a focused goal, I dieted based on the latest fads, and of course I was continually unsuccessful. After some soul-searching and wanting to be better in everything I did, I decided to really give the gym, health and wellness, and fitness a try. I reached out to Lauren and asked if she would be my guidance through the kitchen and the gym. I never would imagine that 47 pounds later I would feel this great, look amazing, and be healthy.

Lauren gave me the tools that I needed to be successful, but I had to be the one to utilize the tools in my life every day. I learned through Lauren that I don’t have to starve myself and I can even have donuts while working towards my goals! Lauren taught me how to eat to be satisfied, eat to fuel my body, get in the right nutrients, and eat for pleasure all at the same time.

I owe my current fitness success and the future of my fitness goals to Lauren.”

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When I began working with Ben, I could feel his frustration with losing grasp of his own health after many unsuccessful attempts.

Initially he was skeptical of a lot of things we worked on, he was apprehensive about nutrition, and was very afraid of carbs.

I am so proud of Ben and how much he has grown in understanding true health verses the latest fad. It took time, but Ben really understands that personal health is a marathon, it is not a sprint.

He has a better understanding of nutrition, he isn’t afraid to eat certain foods anymore, and he feels more confident than ever stepping into a gym!

I can’t wait to continue knocking down goals with him, to help him achieve his true health on purpose!