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Quick burn programs

Sound like you?


You want to work out and find time to fit exercise into your daily schedule, but you’re always on the go, always busy, and can’t seem to figure out a good time to get the exercise in that you need.

The Quick Burn programs are designed for those with crazy hectic schedules who have 5 minutes here and there to exercise but are not sure how to make it happen! The programs aim to fit movement and exercise into your hectic schedule with ease!

The Quick Burn programs come in 5 different sets:

  • Full Body

  • Core

  • Upper Body

  • Lower Body

  • Booty

You can exercise for as little as 5 minutes, or you can increase your exercise time by repeating or combining programs!

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More details

  • Each program comes with 10 different exercises

  • Do each exercise for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest period, then move to the next exercise.

  • *When an exercise is unilateral (or one sided), make sure you count the reps so that you do an equal number of reps on both sides.