Make Your Meals & Snacks Healthier with These 5 Simple Tips

Adopting healthier food habits isn't always about cutting things out, sometimes it’s about adding things in.

Incorporating and increasing healthy, nutrient-dense foods throughout the day might be exactly what you’re missing.

Here are some tips to help you create more balanced, nutritionally dense choices around your meals and snacks.

Prioritize the Presence of Protein 

Protein plays a primary role in rebuilding and repairing cells and tissues in the body. It also helps to moderate hormone levels responsible for sending “hungry” and “full” messages between your stomach and your brain. 

Protein can be found in both animal and plant products. A general rule of thumb for your recommended daily amount of protein is roughly 1g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. (If you use pounds, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 to find your weight in kilograms.) 

Don’t Forget the Fiber!

Vegetables are packed with important nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and some are also a great source of natural fiber.

Fiber is incredibly important for gut health and has been shown to help reduce blood glucose, lower bad cholesterol, and decrease risks for certain cancers.

By incorporating a variety of vegetables to your meals and snacks, you’ll increase your intake of dietary fiber without having to think about it.

The more colorful your plate, the better!

Remember, Size Matters

(Hey! Focus, I’m talking about nutrition.)

“Portion Distortion” is very real. Studies show that people continuously overestimate the amount of healthy food they consume and underestimate the amount of unhealthy food they consume.

Assessing food by weight or using measuring cups can make a huge difference.

Using a food scale at home can help you visually calibrate more accurate portion sizes so that when you eat elsewhere you have a better idea of how much you’re actually consuming. Moderation is key.

Choose Calorie-Free Beverages 

Whether it’s alcohol, soda, or juice, calorie-dense drinks can add up quicker than you might think.

Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee. Add fruits and veggies to your water or tea to give them some natural flavor or sweetness. Try sparkling water if you’re wanting something with texture, or use calorie-free, natural sweeteners to help kick your sweet tooth.

Try Fruit for Dessert 

Like vegetables, fruits are jam-packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Curb your cravings with some nutrient dense dessert by eating your favorite fruits! You can make a fruit cocktail, mix in some Greek yogurt, or top them off with some heart-healthy nuts or seeds.

Craving more than just fruit? Simply adding them into your dessert can allow your body to get more vitamins and minerals than it would without!

When it comes to nutrition, do not overthink things. Eating healthy does not have to be extreme, obsessive, or restrictive. Make it simple! Eat more of what you know you should and eat less of what you know you shouldn’t. 

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.