Make Movement a Part of Your Every Day

Exercise is something that everyone needs. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), most adults should get around 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week for optimal health and wellness. The ACSM additionally suggests that you can opt to crank up the exercise intensity to instead do 20 minutes of vigorous activity 3 times a week for comparable benefits. 

Keep in mind that getting in exercise does not mean you have to be dedicated to a gym or private studio - don’t overthink exercise! Below you will find a few ways to incorporate physical activity into your normal daily life without adding chaos to your busy schedule or putting pressure on your wallet.


Turn Everyday Moments into Everyday Movements

Throughout the day we have our normal routines where we are on autopilot. Turn those daily routines into muscle moving habits! Do calf raises while you brush your teeth. Do lunges or push-ups while you wait on the microwave. Walk around while you talk on the phone. Stretch while you watch your favorite Netflix shows or during commercials while watching the game. Do wall-sits when you first wake up. Stretch for 5 minutes before you go to bed. Being aware of your normal routine allows you to incorporate more movement into your “autopilot moments”.


Choose the Long Route 

Parking farther away than you typically would will increase your number of steps in and out, and in turn increase the amount of movement you’re getting throughout the day. If you use public transit, get off a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if that means you only take one flight of stairs and catch the elevator on the 2nd floor. When you take moving walkways or escalators, don’t just stand there – get movin’! 


Modify Your Downtime 

Whether you’re on a phone call or having a virtual meeting, going on a walk during the conversation can help get you active where you’d otherwise be sedentary. If you’re not able to get up and move during those times, try swapping your desk chair for an exercise ball. Doing so will force you to engage your core, posture, and stability muscles throughout the body. Have a million emails to respond to? Keep an exercise band in your bag or at your desk and do seated exercises while reading and catching up on some of your necessary sedentary work.


Give your Brain a Natural Boost! 

Various studies have shown that exercise, even as little as 30 seconds of vigorous movement, can cause similar increases in brain function as a shot of caffeine. Establish a simple, 5-10 minute movement routine for you to do every day when you’re feeling sluggish. Whether it’s when you first roll out of bed, during that mid-morning fog, or when the 2pm slump hits. Find an empty conference room, break room, or courtyard to get in some jumping jacks, high-knees, push-ups, or air squats. Anything to get your heart pumping and blood flowing!

Making movement a daily habit doesn’t have to be draining. Exercise should not be a punishment. Exercise should be a celebration of what your body can do. Stop making excuses. Stop overthinking. Get up, get out, and get moving!

Each new day comes with brand new opportunities.