The Secret Behind Motivation

There is a huge misconception that we have to be motivated to get things done, especially when it comes to our health and wellness.

We think that motivation sparks action so our action will then create results. The truth is that our action creates results which then spark motivation. 


By definition, motivation is a noun, it is the reason(s) one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Motivation is a feeling; it is an emotion. It makes sense then that motivation is “hard to find” because emotions themselves are fleeting and inconsistent.


On the other hand, discipline can be used as a noun or a verb. Self-discipline is defined as the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s obstacles.

It is a learned behavior, a learned consciousness. It is choosing between what you want now verses what you want most.

Self-discipline is not easy by any means, but it is absolutely an option.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, what it all comes down to is you having control over your mind or your mind having control over you.

Relying on motivation might get you going, but it is discipline that keeps you growing.

Pay close attention to your internal dialogue. Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself. “One Day” or “Day One” … you decide.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.